
Algorand exchanges traded

What you can do with the Algorand atomic transfers feature as a developer

Every day, we encounter the need to participate in a transaction with another party. However, trusting the other party often remains a problem since people are bound to fail. To solve this, the transaction parties often decide to involve a third-party to validate or process the transactions. Traditionally banks would play that role as intermediaries. …

What you can do with the Algorand atomic transfers feature as a developer Read More »

A Technical Review of the FlexFinTx Algorand Blockchain-Based Digital Identity Project

Blockchain technology is gaining grounds as a disruptive technology and enterprises are exploring ways through which they can incorporate blockchain into their business processes. Incorporating blockchain into the business process can only become feasible through the development of blockchain-based product innovations that offer newer, better and valuable alternatives to current solutions. In effect, more uses …

A Technical Review of the FlexFinTx Algorand Blockchain-Based Digital Identity Project Read More »

What you need to know before configuring the Algorand Archival and Indexer Modes for Relay and Non-Relay Nodes.

What you need to know before configuring the Algorand Archival and Indexer Modes for Relay and Non-Relay Nodes.

The core of the Algorand network is a set of distributed nodes (database) that process, store and relay backed up information back to users. The network is configured to have two types of nodes, which perform different functions on the Algorand chain. These nodes are the Relay and Non-relay (participation) nodes. To achieve full decentralisation, …

What you need to know before configuring the Algorand Archival and Indexer Modes for Relay and Non-Relay Nodes. Read More »

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