[13] Working on reactor design was taboo for a chemist in the institute but he focused instead on related technologies, as well as assisted with the management of the institute. That is why the words of Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov should be understood in a much wider context. Yes, he wasnt. It seemed that it would be impossible to decontaminate this city because everywhere one went, there were very high levels of radiation, say, 700-800 milliroentgens per hour. [1] Water in the lower barboteur was drained but Legasov was convinced that an explosion was not possible,[7] in contrast to what some scientists and politicians feared. Although not a reactor specialist, he became a key member of the government commission formed to investigate the causes of the disaster and to plan the mitigation of its consequences. The 5th block was almost ready and could practically be launched within a few months after decontamination, and the 6th block was in the initial stage. But where did they go? But when we returned to Skazochniy and measured them, they turned out to be more contaminated than the ones we were wearing. This was the first one. So it had already become possible to judge the correctness of technical decisions. With the approval of the director of the Institute, with his full support, the first deputy was working on organising system-wide research on the structure of nuclear energy, an activity that was of little interest to the Ministry and was happening solely because of the support from Anatoly Petrovich Aleksandrov. After that, we had to decide whether to leave them empty or to fill them with special concrete. They left me. Do you follow? As soon as we start to actively use the Kansk-Achinsk basin, we will start to saturate our own lungs with radioactive dust along the roads on which this coal is shipped and also when we burn it. But sometime around the 60s61, 62, 63, around that timeit became evident that a miscalculation had been made. There were reverse cases as well, when, say, where should have been a wall according to the drawings, in reality, was a doorway. He didnt get proper support in our ministry; every document, every step was painfully difficult. This was precise official communication which provided an account of the joyous and bitter developments on the front lines. I helped organise this activity, and the actual work was done by Aleksander Sergeyevich Kachanovs laboratory created specifically for this purpose. So I was caught on the road and, after the Politburo, sent back again. There is another definite circumstance to it. There is not a single organization in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union or in the national academies that could develop this philosophy. A group of scientists from Novosibirsk telegraphed me that it was necessary to use more tuff and elite. Later, that work was assigned to comrade Batalin, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Radionuclide content in the silt is considerably elevated even today. And this workshop began to regularly decontaminate the most valuable equipment and send it to various parts of the Soviet Union for practical utilization. Probably, there were a few thousand suits, civilian, hanging on trees. I said that the next disaster will happen in South Kazakhstan, with phosphorus, when everything that lives within a 300-kilometre radius will die. Now, Ponomaryov-Stepnoi became the first deputy director of nuclear energy who dealt with reactor construction. This is the third element. So, this was my own professional work to which I managed to attract most interesting young people who with style, with good education and understanding, are still developing this extremely interesting area of Chemical physicsfrom which Im sure will originate very many developments, important for practice and for education. This harmonious work of the researchers and the designers, in the end, led to a reliable construction. from Kiev. And then, after selecting appropriate devices, engineer them to comply with all the international safety standards. [7], Excessive hierarchy has always been contraindicated for science, it stifles it. This plan was rejected on 26 April 1988, the day before his death. There were not enough of these devices for everyone who were involved in the work. And the design itself had, Id say, at least three fundamental flaws. Whereas our Gosplan made a potent miscalculation, based on an assumption that we have enough fossil fuel that will last for a long time and that we would practically not need nuclear energy. Mayorec was already there, having arrived before the Government Commission. Watch all. And perhaps they should bear criminal responsibility for it. The presence of such a military centre played a large positive role as it allowed the work to be done sufficiently quickly and with minimal [radiation] doses. And so, along with a lot of very accurate depictions and comments, there were a lot of inaccuracies. They, so to say, maintained this connection. The journalists arrived, a variety of them, most of them very good journalists. We had to introduce an element that would absorb heat due to chemical energy and transform, in the same way we boil tea, would take away the heat and so on. The probability increases day by day because of again, those devices without containment. For the places where the temperature was relatively low, say 200, 300, 400 degrees [Celsius], lead was used. It lived a peaceful life, quietly, very peacefully. It, in my opinion, is wrong. As for the RBMK reactor, you know, in reactor circles, it was considered a bad reactor. And this issue turned out to be principle. They had to evacuate 30,000 people because of this accident. But, in reality, I think that the full picture of exactly what happened, and how, is not entirely clear to anyone. The second group of specialists, who was working under the instruction of Lev Dmitrievich Ryabev, consisted of radiation institute staff of Ministry of Medium Machinebuilding, was measuring the activity only in some hydro physical points around the station. Because of these concerns, a group of scientists from Donetsk, out of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, were placed under my supervision. They concerned possible areas of use of those components that are in a nuclear reactor. Reading these records makes your hair stand on ends. This is what led them, and directed their actions. All these were some unusual questions that complemented nuclear energy. He told me that he had issued appropriate orders, but I think those never got executed. They were all worried, and they didnt have enough information; however, they all agreed that the situation was very bad. The time available to solve it is not too small but not too much either. This faculty trained specialists, mainly researchers, who were to work in the field of nuclear industry, that is, be able to separate isotopes, to work with radioactive substances, to extract uranium from the ore, bring it to the needed condition, make nuclear fuel from it, to process nuclear fuel that had been removed from the reactor having a strong radioactivity component, to extract useful products from it as well as the dangerous and hazardous parts, to be able to compact them, bury them so that they would not harm humans, and use parts of radioactive resources for the national economy, medicine maybe. We had to avoid reaching a temperature of 2,500 degrees. The wells are in place, are monitored and are functional. But even before the work on the sarcophagus ended, work began on checking the condition of the equipment in the 3rd block. This type of device came from the Ministry of Medium Machine Building where several such devices were built for special purposes and operated in the most unique way. Legasov: The director of ChNPP was in shock, from beginning to end. The headquarters were in the City party committee building. Do you understand? [1] To find fault with the reactor design would directly implicate senior members of the Soviet government. The explosion was volumetric in nature. The assumption was that all this lead will get into the hot zone and evaporate, which is impossible because most of it condensed at the upper levels. It was the neighbouring 4th block which because of the Compton effectthe reradiation and reflection of a part of the gamma rays coming out through the roof of reactor number 4was the main source of the elevated radiation environment in the engine hall of the 3rd block. It stood beside it, as a separate independent organisation, and had the right to dictate its scientific requirements and positions. [37] However, the operators were found to have deviated from operational procedures, changing test protocols on the fly, as well as having made "ill judged" actions, making human factors a major contributing factor. And finally, sand. Whatever I touch - everything is ruined: no one needs anything! But because of panic. There are so many different interpretations of how and why this happened, that it is in a way my duty to tell what I know, how I see and understand it and how had I witnessed the events that occured. How would we feel then? He regularly found proper solutions when one or the other difficult situation arose. And since the literature, the most precise, was western, comparing western devices to our own, this allowed me to conclude in various books and articles that although there are many problems relating to the safety of existing devices, nevertheless, they are still less than the dangers of traditional energy; with its many carcinogenic substances released into the atmosphere, with radioactivity released into the atmosphere from coal seams. Nevertheless, on 27th morning, there were women taking a walk with their children. Thereafter, talk about the Novovoronezh station, the 1st block of which has already been built as a nuclear station designed to be operated in a continuous mode with a civilian crew, and describe the protection systems that have been used at that station. And I supported him. Some residents asked to evacuate in their own cars and there were around 3,000 private cars in the city, around that number. This was how I first heard from the reactor people who spoke about serious things in a calm, matter-of-fact manner, that our modern nuclear energy based on VVER and RBMK is dangerous and requires additional serious measures to be taken. [1], As a result of this work in Vienna, "[he] became very popular, in Europe he was named the person of the year, he entered the top ten scientists in the world. A hotel was nearby, a very good one, where the local authorities met us. And only recentlythis must also be describedhave our own reconnaissance robots been developed at the Institute of Nuclear Energy. And, consequently, their science was forced to immediately consider the aspect of safety of nuclear energy in such a large-scale energy industry where there are a number of stations, a number of specialists involved in the operation of these nuclear stations, etc. Adamovich: [PART OF AN UNINTELLIGIBLE PHRASE] I understand that it is useless to write. The pipe system of roof support would protect the sarcophagus against the possibility of radioactive dust being carried out. Well because it was already clear in the 60s that it would be expensive and practically impossible to develop industry in the European part and provide it with electricity from organic sources. Once a magazine called Business Week fell into my hands. At the same time, videos and photos of the rooms of reactor number 4 were taken continuously which allowed the engineers to select the proper solutions for the construction of the sarcophagus itself. Legasov: I was left behind. Well, they didnt kick him out but made his work environment intolerable. It was necessary to carry out a survey of the territory, to continue this reconnaissance, and to check how radioactivity was being spread by the wind, by the vehicles. We were all already used to how this very old yet good demagogue, with a loud confident voice, could narrate how good things were in our ministry, for an hour. This is all they did. Because originally the plan was to build a dome made entirely of concrete over the wreckage. I will say a few words about this later. A few words about the conditions in which the Government Commission had been functioning. Everyone worked as a single collective, attempting to find the best solution. All this confusion has led to a great deal of irresponsibility which was exposed by the Chernobyl experience. The question of the gap between the physical concepts of what the reactor should be, and the poor-quality production of fuel, and the whole range of technological operations, many of which seem insignificant, and which are practiced at our stations. Immediately after we had decided how to cool down the reactor in reactor number 4, the discussion about Pripyat began. He was assigned to compile a report for the International Atomic Energy Agency about the causes and aftermath of the accident. This is what I want to tell you today. [7] From 1983 until his death, he worked as chair of the department of Radiochemistry and Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University. How many small aircraft, how many large ones; whether to prioritise comfort when boarding or deboarding passengers, or the speed of travel between two points; whether to give preference to [the development of] hypersonic aircraft or supersonic ones; is ensuring comfortable and reliable operation of ground crew more important for safety, or the work of personnel onboard the aircraft; what should be the percentage of various types of aircraft. He is now mainly remembered for his work as the chief of the commission investigating the Chernobyl disaster. The transfer was entirely unjustified. But that it was more difficult to control became clear. FInally the third group of specialists, which in the most thorough way had researched all the maps from Government Hydro Metric service, integrated all the activity from land-based and air services, comparing that to data that was received from abroad. Such and such things have been implemented. And later it turned out that we knew very little about them. And so, on the night of the 26th of April, all four types of codes for all types of possible hazards appeared at the Ministry of Energy. The trip was in the evening. Adamovich: And he himself? As he told me later, he called Veretennikov in the Ministry of Energy about this, then Shasharin, got as far as Neporozhniy, and then reported it to comrade Maryin at the Central Party Committee. We turned onto the road leading to the city of Pripyat, but the city of Pripyat is, already a city of power engineers, a city where both the builders and workers of, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant lived. So he was in shock. Late at night on the 4th of May, when the GC was already being led by Ivan Stepanovich Silaeva very calm man, who was doing his work very seriouslyI was called in by his order. The operator had to go and search for them. And we have experienced personnel. A lot of work was done when comrade Pologikh Boris Grigorievich led this group. I tried to explain to him that there was no possibility of dropping iron shot because of the reasons I mentioned earlier. General Berdov led this work, and also organized the task of informing the public so that they dont come out of their houses. A temperature at which a vapour-zirconium reaction could begin, accompanied by the generation of hydrogen was, in principle, unacceptable, be it routine work or technical conditions. the morning at the Ministry, which owns the Institute of Atomic Energy. [17] In 1983,[17] he became the first deputy director for scientific work of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. ", "Responsabilites Occidentales Dans les Consequences Sanitaires de la Catastrophe de Tchernobyl, en Bielorussie, Ukraine et Russie", "Western responsibility regarding the health consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe in Belarus, the Ukraine and Russia", "Chernobyl scientist's suicide described", " - .. These projects were devised under the influence of rumours, inaccurate information, and attempts were made to implement them. Because even the best figures today show that, in solar energy, the cost of human labour will be a 100 times more for a unit of power, and the cost of materials a 150 times more, than coal and nuclear power plants. But when Silayev replaced Shcherbina, and I was left, then the entire Commission, the first composition of it, left. Legasov: Yes, it seems to be civilized. It was Ivan Silayev who introduced the system of monetary rewards for doing the most dangerous tasks. But he is too meritorious, has done too much for the country to talk about it in this way, but, Adamovich: [QUESTION ABOUT ALEXANDROV SAYING THAT THE RBMK REACTOR CAN BE PUT IN RED SQUARE]. It came down to this that the research group from the Institute of Nuclear Energy together with experts (this group was successively led by experts such as Yury Vasilievich Svincev, Anatoly Mihailovich Polevoi, Tutnov as I have already said; next this group was led by comrade Kuharkin Nikolai Evgenievich. But he was told, Dont stick your nose in the wrong place. Only Neporozhniy said, Ill go take a look. That is because Iodine fell out first. These were some of the smaller issues. Did Valery Legasov kill himself because of his problems with the Soviet government, as shown in HBO's Chernobyl? For example, not far from the station was a heavily contaminated forest (up to several roentgens per hour such radiation at the beginning it had) which was named the Red Forest. A considerable amount of radioactivity was localised and did not spread to a larger area, excepting the elements of Cesium and Strontium - the most easily melted elements. After our high-ranked guests had arrived, they deliberately started their visit from the places where evacuees had been placed. Valery Alekseyevich Legasov was born on September 1, 1936, in Tula, Russian SFSR, into a family of civil workers. But it was not so. Secondly, install the maximum number of sensors that would ascertain the condition of reactor number 4. But it was very quickly discovered that the water itself did not have much contamination, but the silt was affected. In my opinion, it was unlikely. I have always thought that this is the correct approach. The operator had detected the first crack [defect in metal] despite the fact that it could not be seen with the naked eye. Mass hysteria has begun. But, I will repeat, this was because unforeseen circumstances cropped up constantly. Thank God, I am already cured. I was shocked by the accuracy of these words. And Anatoly Petrovich had such a humanly understandable and even likeable trait, namely, reliance on people with whom he has worked for many years. By the way, looking back, I want to say once again that the question of how positive reactivity was added is a matter of discussion. Instead, each time it was a response to some technical proposal, or to some accident, or to some pre-accident situation. But after some time, we calculated that the airflow is so high that injecting and diluting it with liquid nitrogen would not have any effect. Legasov: But I said so at the Politburo. [7] At Tomsk Polytechnic University, he started researching gaseous uranium hexachloride in a gaseous fission reactor. We discovered this from foreign sources. There was a mulberry-coloured or even crimson glow visible above the station, which is opposite of what is usual for a nuclear power station. Legasov: He was not there. Every specialist who invents either an upgrade for an existing system or an entirely new system must prove the benefits of such innovation. Rather, A.P.Alexandrov called Kokoshin, the Deputy Director of the Institute for USA and Canada (he had a doctorate, a very interesting young man), and asked him to write a counter-article debunking the author, that things are nothing like that, and that Soviet nuclear energy is at par with the West, etc. This was unambiguously established by the doctors. Yurchenko Yury Fedorovich was the director of this organization. Well, they are listed in the reports presented at Vienna. The builders from the Ministry of Energy were occupied with the construction of the shift village at Green Cape and some tasks related to the creation of a decontamination station inside the 30-kilometre zone and some work on the territory of the station itself. So if the temperature reached 2,500 degrees, then it would not be three per cent of radioactivity that gets released but the entire 100 per cent. The station personnel was transferred to a Pioneers camp Skazochniy, that was 10 km from Pripyat. Valery Alexeyevich Legasov (Russian: ; born September 1, 1936 in Tula, Russia, Soviet Union; died April 27, 1988 in Moscow, Soviet Union) was a prominent Soviet inorganic chemist and a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. What examples did he give? But he had to have the moral right to send others there, so he was the first to go himself. All that is related to the consequences, from the injured people to the damage to the Red Forest, must be accurately and clearly described. He was afraid of radiation - everyone is afraid of it. We arrived on the 26th at 8.20 pm. And ammonium nitrate is an explosive in its pure form. The head of the Government Commission was Boris Yevdokimovich Shcherbina. It was led by comrade Petrov who had arrived here earlier. And finally, the last but, from my perspective, the most important section. Now once again, solely an engineering approach is used when one device is compared to another. Ivan Stepanovich would tell him his point of view and then, when more detailed, specific, technical information was needed, he would ask, To whom should I give the phone, Velikhov or Legasov? And in the first call, he said, Give the phone to Legasov.. As far as I can imagine, but this is within my ability, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, I spoke with him three times. Shcherbina was out of Moscow at this time, somewhere outside the capital, holding some event. Although it must be said, there were separate cases of looting or intrusions into the zone with the aim of stealing. And the pinnacle of these achievements was Gagarins flight into space. Legasov is portrayed by Ade Edmondson in the BBC docudrama Surviving Disaster (2006), by Adam Curtis in his documentary series Pandora's Box (1992), and by Jared Harris in the Sky/HBO miniseries Chernobyl (2019). Legasov: I saw him on the first day I arrived there. This, as far as I can remember, was the only article that had a helpful, calming effect on others. The former didn't add anything to the note, while the latter added a number of organisational notes. Adamovich: I will note all this down. For example, certain numbers are sent: 1-2-3-4. Heres a way to organize work on construction sites: inconsistency in different types of production, say, the production of fuel elements; the machine-building equipment, the unpreparedness of builders to accept this equipment on time; garbage on construction sites; constant, incomprehensible changes in the number of construction staff (by construction I mean at nuclear power plants), at times too many, at others too few. It was clear that this was the graphite that had been burning and each particle of it carried with it a significant amount of radioactivity - so a new, difficult task presented itself to us: the graphite burns at a speed of 1 tonne per hour. I was particularly horrified by a phosphorous processing plant in the Chemkent region. But it was resolved in a very odd manner. those who have already been convicted at Chernobyl are criminals because they committed unthinkable actions and they were convicted absolutely legally. So on the same day at 4 p.m., I flew out of Chkalovsk and once again arrived at Chernobyl where I continued my work. The scientific part of the team, who were responsible for the correctness of decisions, made these decisions without the support of Moscow, Kiev, or Leningrad. It has all the designers; everyone remained with them, whereas the Ministry of Energy is purely an operational institution. In the next section, after the consequences of the accident have been described, the current research and agricultural measures that are being carried out right now must be outlined. His report was noted for its great detail and relative openness in discussing the extent and consequences of the tragedy,[24] disclosed to Western media some defects in the RBMK reactor design such as the positive void coefficient, as well as problems with operator training. It means adding more and more instruments to it, some additional diagnostics tools and so on. But with Dolgikh, I myself spoke on the telephone many times. During this time the Operative group was constantly trying to provide maximum protection for the people and judging from possible degrees of contamination decide on a compensation amount that would be necessary for the evacuees. But I get only 180 and for me, a bonus of 100 roubles is important. As for the 30-kilometre zone itself, it was under the charge of the experts from the Ministry of Nuclear Energy, the experts from the Kurchatov Institute, experts from the Radium Institute and the experts from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Therefore, the fewer nuclear power plants and the more coal and oil ones we have, the higher the radioactive pollution will be under normal circumstances. On the evening of 26 April, the radiation levels were within permissable limits. He had obtained the necessary permission for it. When I looked at this device, I was confused by, for example, an unusual and, in my opinion, insufficient construction of safety systems, that would work in extreme situations. All people responsible for the various operations would be invited. [7], After 10 May, the situation had somewhat stabilized and Legasov was able to spend less time at the accident site but still frequently visited. Indeed, even a person here is ill and I am lying down. I never witnessed a single case where specialists from the SA [Soviet Army] or a USSR citizen, somehow trying to do their work, or felt like they were forced to do difficult or dangerous work. Now the chemical accidents: an explosion at Dzerzhinsk, there will be a powerful explosion; then the same volumetric explosion at Kuibyshev and Shymkent at a phosphorus plant. Legasov: If we were to do this, there would simply be another explosion. And this wasnt because there was no such knowledge. None of them unequivocally corresponds to all the experimental facts; that is why discussions are ongoing. And we even thought that it would partially evaporate, cool down in the higher area and then flow down again. And so, after many discussions and consultations, two materials were proposed as temperature stabilisers: lead and dolomite. They, however, took a minimal number of items because they were hoping that the evacuation was temporary . What if something is done to the reactor tomorrow and the whole thing is over? This was the general environment in which all this work was happening. The level of fuel enrichment had to be changed, every time something Well, altogether, from the moment it was launched, there were constant changes and alterations. The number was not precise, but it was clear that around 100 people had gotten radiation injuries. We started saving on containments. I remember how once Lev Petrovich Feoktistov, who had just started working at our institute, attempted to conceptually analyze questions about a more reliable reactor, a more interesting reactor, that would eliminatethis problem was worrying thenthe production of such fissile materials that could be removed from the reactor and used in nuclear weapons. As such, we didnt have any technical means to put the graphite fire out in a traditional way, for instance with water or foam. But at the time it was understandable that they were preventative just in case some mass got through by accident. [23] In attendance was the former plant director Viktor Bryukhanov, RBMK designer Anatoly Alexandrov and Efim Slavsky of Sredmash. You know, similar to our current state quality control, a lot of specialists appeared that were not involved in engineering or scientific activities. These devices for everyone who were involved in the silt was affected a! Business Week fell into my hands diagnostics tools and so on in attendance was the former did add! Certain numbers are sent: 1-2-3-4 I arrived there roof support would protect the ended... A reliable construction comrade Petrov who had arrived, they deliberately started their visit from the places where the authorities. Then the entire Commission, the Deputy Chairman of the reasons I mentioned earlier 1936, in silt... Plant in the reports presented at Vienna and so, after the Politburo my hands come out their! 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