Magical damage isn't affected, and you'll deal with plenty of enemies who love to use powerful magic attacks. That raises his chances of using actually good moves, and boosts protection against two elements. Due to how he works, hes always using Physicals anyway, the game just randomly replaces them with some other action. Regardless of how hard you try, Gau will always have empty slots in, Despite them appearing on the Veldt, Proto Armor and LIVING King, Roulette used by Ahriman from Gau is *NOT* the same as a normal, Despite how they appear in the Veldt, Proto Armor is not a rage-able, Gau is also one of two characters who can actually become immune to. Relm is the ONLY optional character in the WoR to get an alternate scene should she be recruited in the ending. If the Beret is equipped on Relm, the Sketch Rate is increased by about 33%; in the above example, Sketch would now have a 120% Hit Rate (it will never fail.) Set 1 50% of the time. No, not really, but there are perfectionists out there. The other one is the fact it kills monsters in one hit without checking for Death Protection; it may very well be a successful monster slayer if you know what monsters to target. Some enemies are not assigned a row, and are instead assigned to be out of reach. Party members in the front row will take more damage, but they will also be able to deal more damage. Remember that Shadow CAN be turned into a makeshift Thief with the Thiefs Knife, due to its random Mug aspect. . Attack Power is 252, is unblockable, ignores defense. In fact, you can obtain unlimited amounts of Ragnarok swords, and there's only one chance to obtain the Esper. See one of the later points for how this works. . Instead hitting confirm button twice, press once and move the cursor to another char. Chance. Magic and many abilities, like Freya's Jump, ignore row. Only time you should be using Gungnir is if you need a magic boost on Mog. Breath of Fire 4 Chrono Cross Final Fantasy 1 Final Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 4 Final Fantasy 5 Final Fantasy 6 Final . Final Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. When the name appears and they go into casting, start Slots up. This is still kind of time consuming, but its much cheaper (expenses wise) than Falchions (and stronger to boot), and somewhat faster than hording Impartisans, call it the balance of the two. This is probably the best reason to get him, as they are nasty objects you'll want, regardless. Actually, almost everything ignores row in general. Only thing close to a reliable way to get that pure Trophy item. Party members have two rows, but enemies have no row mechanic (although Ozma will be "out of reach" without long range weapons unless the player completes the friendly monsters sidequest). All rights reserved. Don't bother buying an extra Diamond Armor for Setzer when he first joins, assuming you already have one on Celes and Edgar. Twist Headband couldn't hurt either, though I'd suggest he stays with Green Beret or Priests Miter for the defensive edges they give being more significant than Twist Headband's offenses. Got the Sephiroth amiibo! Black Belt allows Umaro to use his other commands. How does it evolve from FF1 to FF6? There's no reason to put him in the front row, EVER. Each enemy is assigned a row, and if another enemy in a further forward row is alive, the enemy behind is considered to be in the back row in terms of damage formulas. Effectively, the Rate of success is Relms Level in relation to her enemies. One last comment. Similarly, the boss battle of Sinspawn Genais and Sin's core has the former in the front row and the latter in the back row. Non-elemental magic damage on all opponents, inflicts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. When the game next needs Celes in a plot scene (that being just before Narshe Battle Sequence), itll use Moghan instead of Celes. Setzer's slots are all based on what you get. Strago - Lore Information/Analysis - Part 1, Strago's Lores are all gotten from monsters, besides the initial 3 he, Strago - Lore Information/Analysis - Part 2. A common row setup from the original Final Fantasy III. Is unblockable. I typically put Edgar, Setzer, Strago, and Relm in the back row. If there is anything odd about a weapon that isn't stat related or a random spell casting, Mug removes it. See, for some reason, Celes learns two spells (Haste and Confuse) at the same level, which isn't that weird, until you consider they're actually listed separate from one another, with Berserk being in between both (so the order would be Haste -> Berserk -> Confuse.) Enter the location. Those in the back row take half damage from physical attacks, but also deal half damage with their own physical attacks. It's non-elemental, barrier-piercing, multi-target and stronger than anything that's not tweaked so hard it's embarrassing. Also, around this time, stocking up on Sakuras, since this is the only part of the game those are available, and they're the best weapon Shadow can use for Wind Elemental Ammunition by far (and wind is a rarish element to boot). In the Magitek Factory, it might be wise to give Locke Ramuh; he doesn't have any way of hurting enemies otherwise due to their high defense, Genji Glove be damned, so Locke would like at least something, and Thunder, let alone the Ramuh summon, give him at least something approaching damage there. Sabin is the ONLY optional character you can get before the Falcon. Just to clear an old rumor up, just in case. Does getting a undercut make other styles more difficult? Suppose it MIGHT matter if you give Mog a Force Shield or something. "Darkness is coming. Information about each character, suggested party setups, end-game equipment, and character strategies throughout the game. This might sound odd, but when Shadow first joins, take off his armor, and give it to Sabin, and vice versa. As a side note, trying a sequence before Sabin learns it WILL result in a failure; no trying Phantom Rush before the plot sequence or before Sabin is level 70. There are eight tools in total. Basically, yeah, another character who needs no MP Boosts. Character Toss is SUPPOSE to do extra damage when Mog is thrown, however, due to an oversight in programming, where the boost was done like any other Multiplier instead of a unique method, this is ignored as Character Toss ignores defense, so its meaningless. Keep Gau's at least somewhat up to date. Give Umaro the Berserker Ring. So first one is level 1, 2nd is level 2, all the way to level 8. All of them have a special command sequence, though, you can check that up yourself in game. Tools are found as weapons throughout the game, and as long as a tool exists in the player's inventory, it can be used against enemies. Enemy levels are typically higher than your partys levels and vice versa in the case of stats, so Sketch takes the worst of BOTH worlds.). Description. As a Reminder, Strago can STILL learn things if he is dead. Right now its really hard though without it, I couldn't beat Ultros without it (he kept one shooting terra and the guy you need to protect). Don't forget to nab the Drill and Flash when you go through Figaro again! Green Cherries do NOT increase Umaro's Attack. Its a waste of money, first of all, as she'll get stuff in the dungeon anyway, and secondly, there's better stuff that can be gotten in Kohlingen and Nikeah ANYWAY (if you did Sabin's Scenario first, keep this in mind.). Betting a Fuma Shuriken yields a Pinwheel, for beating up a fairly easy enemy in Chaos Dragon. In these battles the enemies also start with an empty ATB gauge and the player's first physical attack will deal double damage, as if the battle was a back attack. words, there's a 1/256 chance it'll miss). That relic should be somewhat a staple on Mog. Do not forget that Gogo can Steal, much like Locke, so if you ever want a specific item, or have kleptomania tendencies, Gogo is a good idea to bring along, be it alongside Locke or in place of him. +5 to Magic Power and higher Magic Defense is a lot more useful than a minor defense boost from the Mythril Mail, especially considering Magic is going to be quite helpful in the next area. Slight Defense is nothing compared to +5 to Magic Power at the time. Though, honestly, with that 255 Defense score, something tells me Mog won't care about physical evade much. His Blizzara STINGS like nothing else at the moment, so having Runic there is quite helpful, along with stopping annoyances such as Confuse or Drain. Damage is what he has, and this raises that, you should have him with one on at most parts, at least any point after the Narshe Battle Sequence (he can get away without ones before then, since enemies tend to die to Aura Cannons anyway.). Due to the nature of the early game, those early Sleeping Bags you get work well for refilling her MP mid dungeon. Relm is yet another character with natural 999 MP, and like the 3 preceding her, actually has theoretically 4 digits. If Sketch is successful, it chooses one of two attacks predetermined by the enemy sketched, a common one (75% chance) or a rare one (25% chance.) If you, on the other hand, want little fuss but do want the best weapon in the game, take the sword. Contents First off, a list of rare items you can only get more of if you opt for the Esper (ignoring the small chance of using Setzer or Magicite Shard to get Ragnarok at random): Other rare items that are hard to obtain and can be produced with Metamorphose: These items can be morphed from the enemies listed below. Master's Scroll halves ALL physical damage a character has, including stuff it doesn't effect directly. If you do not recruit Locke in the WoR, his ending scene which he shares with Celes will be altered to compensate for the lack of him. As a fun random fact, Terra is one of the few PCs who at level 99, will naturally have 999 MP (actually her theoretical value is in the 4 digits, but there's that 999 cap), meaning if you're into getting that value for level 99 purposes, you never need to give her an MP boosting Esper. IIRC, there is a bug where once you steal, the game will claim you steal that same object several times in a row, regardless of target, even though you only steal it once. Do not bother with Gauntlet as it won't raise his damage as much as been hyped in the past, though Gigas Glove or Black Belt both work. If a tool has multiple abilities, they are chosen randomly at the listed rate. There are eight tools in total. With Rippler, he can nab Trance, Interceptor, Rage, among other things if used in odd ball fashions (used on an enemy who just ripplered a different character, in conjunction with Confuse, what have you) Yes, you can see Strago suddenly undergo a sex change and look exactly like Esper Terra. Being in the back row will make characters inflict less damage with melee weapons, but receive less damage from enemies as well. Although it is not flagged as a long range weapon and it uses the melee animation, Barret's Pile Banger suffers no damage penalty from attacking from the back row or at enemies in the back row. In some battles the Change command to change row is grayed out. Barret, Red XIII, Yuffie, and Vincent have long range weapons, and all characters can equip the Long Range Materia to deal ranged attacks. Attack Power is 125, is unblockable, ignores Split Damage. KO'd characters that are brought back to life will be placed in the back row. No. The first one is obtaining rare items in quantities hitherto not thought of. I think it should be obvious by now, especially with his ability to equip the Morning Star, Strago should go into the back row. Except in the battle screen, if the player presses the Select button, the Alter Order screen will be displayed to change the positions of the characters, except for the guests. If you're curious, Mog can actually max both evasion stats out as well, if you don't mind using both Merit Award and Paladin's Shield. Master's Scroll + Brigand's Glove, the never ending myth. Row can be changed using the main menu by pressing and . Again, despite what it may seem, Gungnir is NOT a spear in terms of Jump. Valve Corporation. Getting a decent stock of these never hurts. Edgar's other appearances throughout the series normally depict him using his Tools abilities. Also common knowledge, but should be pointed out. Especially if you choose fighter, as you'll need as many Strength boosts as possible for it to have an impact, so you will want that head start. This is because the Fanatics Tower is, well, screwed up how it works. Obviously, if taken down the mage route, Terra should be learning strong spells. However, you can't perform actions with him either, so really, you just kind of lost a character permanently. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Celes has a minor glitch associated with her. Long range attacks that ignore row include damage done by bows, whips, and boomerangs. all of setzer's weapons are long range as well as: wing edge, sniper, rising sun, boomerang, flail, morning star, hawkeye, and full moon. Bushido, Blitz and Tools ignore back row decrease, as well as the Flail, Morning Star, the Boomerang weapons Locke gets, and any Thrown weapon will ignore row penalty. I know it sounds odd, but trust me, that's how it works. Unlike most character configuration changes, character row may be changed even while in a dungeon. Beyond 127, Strength will register but it isn't necessary, which is why most people stop at 127. This extends even into Dragon's Den, where, despite the Zwill Crossblade, Valiant Knife remains Locke's best overall weapon (barring Lightbringer, of course.). Sabin at Figaro also provokes lines from the shop keepers! Basically, while random spell casting (such as Ice Brand's Blizzard) still works, because those bytes are differently, and thus are Addition Effects (damage dealt first, THEN the special effect kicks in), True Special Effects (often called Replacement Effects) are ignored. Also, I seem to recall that the game doesn't make the check to steal 4x, its actually only once, and the game just reiterates the steal message multiple times. Not that I suggest this due to what it requires, but just know its there (check out, say, Terra or Locke's maxed evasion set ups, and just replace Zephyr's Cloak with Merit Award.). . Transform your Olympic bar into a powerful workout tool with the French Fitness TBH40 T-Bar Row Multi Grip Handle. Also "The timetime, has come." A character covering for an ally with the Cover Materia still takes half damage from attacks even if covering for an ally who is in the front row. So, instead of dedicating a section of this guide to Gau's Rages (which realistically would take 7-8 sections alone, I'll simply point you to a few great Rage guides I found across the internet: Gau is someone who might prefer Front Row, if only cause he'll always have that Physical as an option; this especially rings true for the famous Stray Cat Rage, since Catscratch does not ignore row. For Magic, the game will stop registering anything past 127 and set the limit to 127. if equipped with any other weapon, you do 1.5x damage. The castle is at the center of the desert area. if you are equipped with a lance, you do 2x damage with jump. my end game with terra was her dualcasting ultima every turn using only 1 mp per cast as well as having high defense and mp. This game does not have a row mechanic for party members, but it does for certain enemies. In fact, you can get it before facing Dullahan, though the prospect of leaving the dungeon, getting the armor and returning is probably not worth the time, so you might as well just grab it after you get the Falcon. There's plenty of decent FAQs on the internet that tells you the location of every potential place to learn Lores in this game, and how to trigger them. She might require Front Row, unless its the IAF sequence though (where youre forced into Pincer Attacks, so Row is meaningless. So I'll just say that, and move onto the next point which is much later in the game! The other is how Celes misses out on one armor that Terra gets, that being the almighty COTTON ROBE bought in South Figaro's WoB. Same with anyone who uses dragoon boots or edgar without. Strago should be using the Mythril Rod for the WoB, due to its Magic Power increase, he doesn't have much use for anything else otherwise. . In most versions, characters in the back row can only be hit by magic and bow attacks, and can only attack with bows and magic themselves. The characters in the front will be attacked first and more often, so keeping weak characters behind where they will be protected. In the 3D versions, the Rear command makes a character go in the back row while the Front command makes them go to the front row. Now enter the castle. I know I said get Lores ASAP, but I feel this one deserves its own mention, since Grand Delta is well above other Lores in damage; only Aero comes anywhere near it (doesn't hit defense so has potential for higher damage and can hit a weakness to boot.) The Sketch Bug does *NOT* exist in this version of the game in anyway, shape or form. This even extends to the Angel Brush from Dragon's Den, which is an inferior Magus Rod wannabe. When you get the Falcon, getting Phantom Rush should be your #1 Priority regarding Sabin, so go find it and fast! Some games also have an ability known as Long Range or Reach that gives the equipped character the same power as if they were using a long-ranged weapon. At least, the physical ones. I'll list what they do, and how to get them, generally (meaning not EVERYWAY). Basically, this makes Cyan attack an unlimited amount of times due to some combination of glitches; before you say anything, people tend to throw this out for Cyan's worth cause its no better than abusing that old Vanish/Doom glitch. Edgar won't really be using his weapons ever at this point (Autocrossbow is flat out better), and Locke has nothing but his physical, hence its the best use of it. The young Cloud appearing in the Nibelheim flashback is also in the back row. The boss battle against Motor Ball is a back attack, and thus reverses the party's row. So whats the purpose of this besides novelty? It's also around this time that you should start deciding whether you want Terra to be a Mage or a Fighter, and try to raise her appropriate stat accordingly. Runic becomes more useful in th eDragon's den as well. The party's order determines the likelihood of each character being targeted by enemies' physical attacks. regarding terra her magic builds pretty much die off late game especially if you properly level with espers. Basically, use a very specific Combination of moves in a fight, and now slots won't be rigged against you, ever. If you got the Gauntlet instead, use that anyway, even if its clearly worse than Genji Glove, its better than nothing. Essentially, theres a way to skip recruiting Celes altogether in South Figaro, and finish it with Locke alone. This is most likely a bug. This is best for characters with low HP and Defense, like White Mages or Summoners. 'S no reason to get him, as they are chosen randomly at the Rate! 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